Either that’s Deb’s way of saying “burn in hell, sinner”, or that’s her way of saying “have a fun day.” I cannot rule out the second.
Jacob doesn’t need to watch Simpsons, he’s got the Flanders right there. There’s not much for Jacob to do there, compared to Jenny and her neighbor? Eric.
Unless he wants to try to play Nirvana songs, or listen to vapid boy band discussions. We’ve seen William try to handyman things and watch sports tv, but I don’t recall having seen Tina do much.
IT’s a small world after all!
…why do I get the feeling Deb will think Tina kidnapped him…?
Joel, can you call Michelle, and have her bring Jenny over?
Yeah, I know, I’m evil.
Well, this is going to be interesting. Something tells me Tina’s gonna livid when she finds out more about Jacob’s home life.
Either that’s Deb’s way of saying “burn in hell, sinner”, or that’s her way of saying “have a fun day.” I cannot rule out the second.
Jacob doesn’t need to watch Simpsons, he’s got the Flanders right there. There’s not much for Jacob to do there, compared to Jenny and her neighbor? Eric.
Unless he wants to try to play Nirvana songs, or listen to vapid boy band discussions. We’ve seen William try to handyman things and watch sports tv, but I don’t recall having seen Tina do much.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, mergatroid! Deb’s ginna have a conniption when she finds out about this…
“What a grade-a rhymes-with-witch” is SUCH a William thing to say XD
Also like that Williams expresses genuine sympathy towards Jacob. He usually isn’t too involved in these situations.