If I were more of a cynic, I would assume that anyone filming and watching the filming, especially via MTV, would focus more on Russell’s act of smashing the guitar rather than on anything said or done before or after that, making the jackass famous without even giving a chance to address how detrimental, unhinged and much of a nuisance the guy is to Joel and his friends.
Is noone going to mention that Russel thinks that they were a gift from his daddy? He is so spoiled he really has no idea of how friends work. It is pitiful.
Awwwww, did da widdle nepo-baby get his feewings hurt? Does he wanna go cwy to his daddy? Tough shit, douchebag, you’ve had this coming for a LONG time.
Also, go Aaron! Tellin’ it like it is and takin’ no shit!
Really,doodoo head? That’s honestly the best you can come up with Russell?… Oh right, I forgot. Entitled man-child who can’t make a somewhat concept to save his own ass, not that it’ll help now or ever.
Let me add that it is IMMENSELY satisfying to see Russell expose himself as the total sack of shit he is to the masses at Woodstock.
Unfortunately, with there still being two weeks left in this arc, I have a feeling that he isn’t going to go down quietly. And I don’t trust his dad to not take his side against Westworld.
If I were more of a cynic, I would assume that anyone filming and watching the filming, especially via MTV, would focus more on Russell’s act of smashing the guitar rather than on anything said or done before or after that, making the jackass famous without even giving a chance to address how detrimental, unhinged and much of a nuisance the guy is to Joel and his friends.
This started better than I thought. And it definitely is not done yet.
So he just wanted friends, whether the “friends” wanted to be or not.
It’s like “Komi Can’t Communicate” if Komi was a rich psychopath who won’t shut up!
The fall of Russell begins.
Is noone going to mention that Russel thinks that they were a gift from his daddy? He is so spoiled he really has no idea of how friends work. It is pitiful.
Awwwww, did da widdle nepo-baby get his feewings hurt? Does he wanna go cwy to his daddy? Tough shit, douchebag, you’ve had this coming for a LONG time.
Also, go Aaron! Tellin’ it like it is and takin’ no shit!
And woo! Aaron has grown a spine!!
Russell, you are fucking tossed.
If the words “Doodoo head” comes out of an adult unironically, run.
Why don’t we just call this a toxic work environment?
Say goodbye to your nepo job, Russell
Russell should consider himself lucky. There are worse things you could be accused of doing to a couch nowadays…
Guys, there’s a ton of mud out there, and it’s just dying to have a Russell-shaped impression in it. All together, one, two, three, throw!
This is getting good.
Hope they bring up the shower and toilet events.
And to think this is the halfway point of the storyline.
Really,doodoo head? That’s honestly the best you can come up with Russell?… Oh right, I forgot. Entitled man-child who can’t make a somewhat concept to save his own ass, not that it’ll help now or ever.
With any luck, that line about couches will become one of the few jokes in this strip that’ll become more dated with time.
…how long did he save up for that?
Also, bold of you to assume that Joel is going to accept any more of your “gifts,” you fucking delusional ghoul.
Let me add that it is IMMENSELY satisfying to see Russell expose himself as the total sack of shit he is to the masses at Woodstock.
Unfortunately, with there still being two weeks left in this arc, I have a feeling that he isn’t going to go down quietly. And I don’t trust his dad to not take his side against Westworld.
Some serious shit is about to go down, lads.
“Nirvana-Shaped Hole” would be a good name for their next album.
Russell is about to lose everything by HIMSELF just like Jessica, Allie, Deb and Chad before him.
Good job sticking up for yourself and your friends, Aaron. And Russell has officially lost it.
Get fucked, you immature piece of shit.
“Stop yelling at me, doodoo head”? Aww, Aaron’s hurt… NOT!
No, Russell! There is nothing you could ever do to make anyone like you. Please do use all a favor and jump off the tallest bridge you can find!
I believe Russell’s entered what we call the “Villainous Breakdown” stage of the story.