@Chris Wolvie David Lee Roth. And the did try to get back together, but I think that the hard sell would have been Michael Anthony. And the mics have been hot since Joel was been apathetic to them earlier. And we’re probably referencing Cheech and Chong’s battle of the bands movie UP IN SMOKE if the security guy was bribed with a bag of skittles.
Taigan: my best guess is the next two weeks will deal with the fallout (Russell complaining to his dad and likely making an even bigger ass of himself), with the band probably finding a new label as a result.
I feel like panel 3 should’ve had the gang cry out “AARON!!!” with joy. That Aaron entrance was spectacular!
Also… bribing the security guard with a bag of Skittles? …Some security guard that must’ve been. Or some Skittles THOSE must’ve been.
Anyway, things are about to get GOOD! Show Russell how much of a screw-up he is! (And hope the microphones and cameras are working!)
Well, even though Russell got his comeuppance…is it reasonably safe to assume that the gang’s music career is over. I wonder if they’re gonna regret dropping out of high school after this…
I feel like Joel probably would’ve had a likelier time being able to do what he loves without all this bullshit going down if he lived in the modern world of internet content creation
@GemJC My actual name that I go by is Russell, so comments like this make me go “What the Hell did *I* do?!”
@Chris Wolvie David Lee Roth. And the did try to get back together, but I think that the hard sell would have been Michael Anthony. And the mics have been hot since Joel was been apathetic to them earlier. And we’re probably referencing Cheech and Chong’s battle of the bands movie UP IN SMOKE if the security guy was bribed with a bag of skittles.
Please tell me that Aaron understands how contracts work. He was never let go from it, so he can point that out.
Also, not only are the mics most likely sill hot, but there are folks recording them as we speak. MTV is going to have a FIELD DAY with Russel.
@Jim: That, or the entire band coming to blows with him and then all of them being thrown to jail and then being in trial for that.
Taigan: my best guess is the next two weeks will deal with the fallout (Russell complaining to his dad and likely making an even bigger ass of himself), with the band probably finding a new label as a result.
This feels very climactic for a story that still has two weeks to go.
I can only imagine the audience watching this and wondering “Uh…is this a skit or something?
Russell: “You can’t re-unite with a band you were fired from! Just ask that David Van Halen guy who covered the Beach Boys!”
I feel like panel 3 should’ve had the gang cry out “AARON!!!” with joy. That Aaron entrance was spectacular!
Also… bribing the security guard with a bag of Skittles? …Some security guard that must’ve been. Or some Skittles THOSE must’ve been.
Anyway, things are about to get GOOD! Show Russell how much of a screw-up he is! (And hope the microphones and cameras are working!)
Well, even though Russell got his comeuppance…is it reasonably safe to assume that the gang’s music career is over. I wonder if they’re gonna regret dropping out of high school after this…
Must have been a big bag of Skittles.
The beginning of the end!
Shut up Russell, no one cares..
Hell Yes!! Get Him, Aaron.
This is the second instance of Aaron entering a scene at just the right moment. A running gag I can get behind.
The gangs all here!!
Let the mud bath begin
Time’s up,Russell you pathetic manchild.
I feel like Joel probably would’ve had a likelier time being able to do what he loves without all this bullshit going down if he lived in the modern world of internet content creation
PLEASE tell me those mics are still hot. The crowd probably has some fantastic reactions going on.