Also, I’m very impressed that Vince managed to stick ONLY to his warning about leaving Eric alone, and didn’t also add in a rant about their Dr. Dre-aping “I make a better black guy than actual black guys” shtick.
Ah, now that’s what I’m talking about! Finally, a satisfying ending where the dumbass bullies are put in their rightful place (that place being “publicly humiliated and cowering in terror”). You go, Vince!
For once I don’t hate Vince’s presence in the comics! Hopefully we’ll see less of these bullies now, or it can be the path where the other kids all stand up against them.
Nice! Let’s just hope it keeps these two away for good now.
Also, I’m very impressed that Vince managed to stick ONLY to his warning about leaving Eric alone, and didn’t also add in a rant about their Dr. Dre-aping “I make a better black guy than actual black guys” shtick.
Ah, now that’s what I’m talking about! Finally, a satisfying ending where the dumbass bullies are put in their rightful place (that place being “publicly humiliated and cowering in terror”). You go, Vince!
Hehe okay that wasn’t a bad resolution.
Haha. Expired milk. Excellent idea.
Let’s hope those fucking brats learn the lesson because this strip was worth it!
Also, I loved Jacob’s cameo in the first panel.
Now that was a truly satisfying ending. Good one on ya, Vince!
i always’s who are craig’s parents
Protective big bro Vince for the win.
For once I don’t hate Vince’s presence in the comics! Hopefully we’ll see less of these bullies now, or it can be the path where the other kids all stand up against them.
It is a REALLY nice change of pace seeing Vince be a good brother to Eric for once.
This is fucking golden! XD