@Toon-Resurrection92: I hope this girl becomes a recurrent character as we do need more kids among the supporting characters after Jacob’s departure from the series.
@TheJayster49. I know, especially the little girl. She’s going to have a heck of a story to tell her mother. “Mommy, guess what? I saw my first drive by today!”
Oh, HELL yes! These two asswipes are LONG overdue to have the fear of God knocked into ’em, and Vince is just the man to do it! Please let them piss their pants in front of everyone, that would be just perfect!
Would’ve been nice if those angry kids in the first panel ganged up on those two to stand with Eric and show them that they can’t always have their way.
Oh man, when the guy pointing a (fake) gun at the two kids is seen as the good guy, you know those two kids aren’t as popular as they’ve convinced themselves they are lol
It’s like that episode of Smiling Friends where Mr. Boss goes to kill the pseudo-nihilist competitors, and they just drop the act. All that’s missing is for Andrew and Ryan to start wetting their wack asses. Maybe Vince can shoot them in their crotches to make it look that way.
Fuck Yes!! Way to go, Vince! You do not fuck with family and expect to get away with it. I’m an older brother myself, so I would do anything to protect my little brother.
Oh Shit!
-Shrug- What I’d tell ya? Escalation (Yeah I know it’s a water gun but wow).
Well, Vince showed up to take care of his little bro. Good on him.

But… didn’t he just technically commit a felony? Not good.
@Toon-Resurrection92: I hope this girl becomes a recurrent character as we do need more kids among the supporting characters after Jacob’s departure from the series.
@TheJayster49. I know, especially the little girl. She’s going to have a heck of a story to tell her mother. “Mommy, guess what? I saw my first drive by today!”
Pretty certain that at least one of them isn’t going home with clean underwear.
Oh, HELL yes! These two asswipes are LONG overdue to have the fear of God knocked into ’em, and Vince is just the man to do it! Please let them piss their pants in front of everyone, that would be just perfect!
Would’ve been nice if those angry kids in the first panel ganged up on those two to stand with Eric and show them that they can’t always have their way.
But Vince’s arrival is pretty sweet.
The sad part is that this is the point where teachers will get involved.
Oh man, when the guy pointing a (fake) gun at the two kids is seen as the good guy, you know those two kids aren’t as popular as they’ve convinced themselves they are lol
Ha! Jenny & ya boy Vince come’n in clutch!
It’s like that episode of Smiling Friends where Mr. Boss goes to kill the pseudo-nihilist competitors, and they just drop the act. All that’s missing is for Andrew and Ryan to start wetting their wack asses. Maybe Vince can shoot them in their crotches to make it look that way.
Good think Vince brought the fake gun. Had Eric brought it, he might ended up in trouble anyways.
Andrew and Ryan have called down the thunder… and now the whirlwind cometh!
Fuck Yes!! Way to go, Vince! You do not fuck with family and expect to get away with it. I’m an older brother myself, so I would do anything to protect my little brother.
The fact that the other kids actually look happy that Vince is pointing a (fake) gun at them really speaks volumes right now.