@Toon: Now that you mention it, I have noticed something about how the stories often tends to “ignore” many things about what happened in the sunday strips (the story you mentioned was set in one of them). This has already happened in some storylines like the “Chronic Anxiety” in which Andrew and Ryan recalled the times they ended up humiliated by Eric and (mostly) Jenny but never mentioned the time she hit them with the jumping rope, or the last sunday strip which has Jocelyn still living with her parents despite she was supposed to live with Vicky.
Obviously, there were some exceptions like the “Single Blonde Female” arc, but still…
Let’s not forget the time you knocked his Nintendo off the TV with your sneaker during your Cheerleading routine. I’m not helping am I. But I do like the development that Katy is being given.
I like that we’re seeing more depth in Katy here in regards to her relationship with Joel. Like, in the original and especially in Forever 16, they were constantly at each other’s throats barring a couple moments here and there.
Here, they don’t have QUITE as much interaction but Katy is significantly more supportive of Joel and we’re being given some insight on their relationship. It’s also finally giving her some much needed character focus, seeing as how she’s one of the most static characters in the whole comic.
Definitely looking forward to the rest of the storyline.
Why does everyone think Jocelyn moved in with Vicky? At no point did I ever show that
@Toon: Now that you mention it, I have noticed something about how the stories often tends to “ignore” many things about what happened in the sunday strips (the story you mentioned was set in one of them). This has already happened in some storylines like the “Chronic Anxiety” in which Andrew and Ryan recalled the times they ended up humiliated by Eric and (mostly) Jenny but never mentioned the time she hit them with the jumping rope, or the last sunday strip which has Jocelyn still living with her parents despite she was supposed to live with Vicky.
Obviously, there were some exceptions like the “Single Blonde Female” arc, but still…
Poor Katy. I hope her brother lets her down easy on this. It’s obvious that there were a lot of other things in his life that made him who he is.
Let’s not forget the time you knocked his Nintendo off the TV with your sneaker during your Cheerleading routine. I’m not helping am I. But I do like the development that Katy is being given.
It is good to see Katy getting more depth as well as starring a storyarc after so long. I hope she overcomes her fears.
Nice that Katy is getting more depth.
I like that we’re seeing more depth in Katy here in regards to her relationship with Joel. Like, in the original and especially in Forever 16, they were constantly at each other’s throats barring a couple moments here and there.
Here, they don’t have QUITE as much interaction but Katy is significantly more supportive of Joel and we’re being given some insight on their relationship. It’s also finally giving her some much needed character focus, seeing as how she’s one of the most static characters in the whole comic.
Definitely looking forward to the rest of the storyline.
Katy, sweetheart! He wouldn’t do that to you!