Lindsay’s heart is in the right place, but I think Diet Coke would probably send Denise into anaphylactic shock. “OMG! Mom! what’s the number for 911?”
Aside from the tennis court this whole thing could have been done with Tina and Katey.
I don’t care for or against Patrica’s redesign. At least it helps shove the previous one harder offscreen. And gives Lindsey’s genetic hair color a closer match to her parents. Pool water clearly does the rest of the work.
I wonder if Rick’s Hardware rents out wood chippers? Let his list of crimes grow! The good crimes, that is. Whatever, at least it’s more Dense Denise.
Oh yeah, that star-studded special. Didn’t know folks from Cheers were in it………. then again, can’t remember the last I saw the whole thing.
It’s interesting to see the stark contrast between Lindsay and Patricia in this strip. Patricia is still as insensitive as ever, but at least she ain’t an alcoholic like her last incarnation. Although admittedly, I chuckled a bit at the last panel.
@Skyler: It fits her, though. It’s a look that practically screams “Karen”
Lindsay’s heart is in the right place, but I think Diet Coke would probably send Denise into anaphylactic shock. “OMG! Mom! what’s the number for 911?”
Aside from the tennis court this whole thing could have been done with Tina and Katey.
I don’t care for or against Patrica’s redesign. At least it helps shove the previous one harder offscreen. And gives Lindsey’s genetic hair color a closer match to her parents. Pool water clearly does the rest of the work.
I wonder if Rick’s Hardware rents out wood chippers? Let his list of crimes grow! The good crimes, that is. Whatever, at least it’s more Dense Denise.
Oh yeah, that star-studded special. Didn’t know folks from Cheers were in it………. then again, can’t remember the last I saw the whole thing.
It’s interesting to see the stark contrast between Lindsay and Patricia in this strip. Patricia is still as insensitive as ever, but at least she ain’t an alcoholic like her last incarnation. Although admittedly, I chuckled a bit at the last panel.
That’s rather generous of Lindsay.
I cant be the only one who doesn’t like patricia’s redesign?
This strip looks like a combination of two old Sunday strips in the original run. Interesting.
I think using Denise for this strip was a better choice than Tina, for reasons I hope are obvious XD
And I wish I could ride my bike to work… if my mom would stop worrying about me being on the road with one.