Huh. I’m actually impressed. You changed Rick’s character where he’s still a racist jerk but nowhere near the monster he was back before and it seems he’s likely to change for the better in later arcs with him in it. Good job.
I don’t use hamburger helper, but I know that beer goes in some kinds of bread, and fish-sticks batter.
Rick is still a big galoot, but that’s all that was needed. At least he’s not trying to kill people. And come to think of it, he’s not a frat boy type, either. Now that he’s been reintroduced to the comic he can join the ‘potential antagonists’ list. Successful try, JB.
Alright, well that certainly concludes this one hell of a story. My expectations regarding Rick’s return were defied to the point where I actually want to apologize for being so dismissive at first.
Rick is certainly still somewhat right-winged, but it’s more tolerable here since Rick’s attitude is more “innocently insensitive” rather than a outright savage brute. Plus, he shows far more genuine concern for Aaron’s well-being, even if he does a pretty shoddy job of showing it. Overall, it’s a VAST improvement
Still, as this is only just Rick’s first appearance in the reboot, I’m just hoping Rick actually stays upbeat this time and gets his character development faster.
Okay, that’s a hopeful ending. Honestly, this version of Rick is better than I expected. Definitely no saint, but he is a far cry from the rageaholic we previously saw.
Well now, this was quite the pleasant surprise. Rick’s still a crass macho-man and a bit of a racist, but he’s FAR more tolerable than his original incarnation.
Huh. I’m actually impressed. You changed Rick’s character where he’s still a racist jerk but nowhere near the monster he was back before and it seems he’s likely to change for the better in later arcs with him in it. Good job.
Kendra would rock wearing a turban.
JBWarner, you madlad! You actually did it! You made me feel empathy for Rick West! Congrats!
I don’t use hamburger helper, but I know that beer goes in some kinds of bread, and fish-sticks batter.
Rick is still a big galoot, but that’s all that was needed. At least he’s not trying to kill people. And come to think of it, he’s not a frat boy type, either. Now that he’s been reintroduced to the comic he can join the ‘potential antagonists’ list. Successful try, JB.
This version of Rick is a whole hell of a lot more tolerable than all the others.
I agree. This iteration of him is a hell of a lot better than what we last saw.
Alright, well that certainly concludes this one hell of a story. My expectations regarding Rick’s return were defied to the point where I actually want to apologize for being so dismissive at first.
Rick is certainly still somewhat right-winged, but it’s more tolerable here since Rick’s attitude is more “innocently insensitive” rather than a outright savage brute. Plus, he shows far more genuine concern for Aaron’s well-being, even if he does a pretty shoddy job of showing it. Overall, it’s a VAST improvement
Still, as this is only just Rick’s first appearance in the reboot, I’m just hoping Rick actually stays upbeat this time and gets his character development faster.
Okay, that’s a hopeful ending. Honestly, this version of Rick is better than I expected. Definitely no saint, but he is a far cry from the rageaholic we previously saw.
Well now, this was quite the pleasant surprise. Rick’s still a crass macho-man and a bit of a racist, but he’s FAR more tolerable than his original incarnation.
Well, at least Rick is trying.