@Red Rain: Actually, that’s the perfect solution! Why? Because it’s the truth! Lindsay has some honest-to-God, 100% true, incriminating dirt on Nick, which means she can completely destroy his reputation, and she doesn’t even need to lie to do it.
Yeah, Lindsay is hiding something from her past. She could use the fact that Nick was arrested in New York for stalking and harassment to her advantage, but something is stopping her from doing so: herself.
It’s often much fun to watch a character break, but I don’t want that to happen to this Lindsey. It’s weak, I know, but it could be _too_ much worse.
Lindsey can’t even secure the position. She doesn’t have what it takes to make her promises happen behind the scenes.
I think I know what’s going to happen – Nick will learn about Lindsay’s less than savory past and use it to smear her.
Kristen should run for the student council. She’d murderlize Nick.
I’m feeling very bad for Lindsay. Say what you want about her but she just wants to keep it real.
Woman, the dude stalked your brother and followed him and his girlfriend to New York! That’s a pretty good reason not to vote for someone!
@Red Rain: Actually, that’s the perfect solution! Why? Because it’s the truth! Lindsay has some honest-to-God, 100% true, incriminating dirt on Nick, which means she can completely destroy his reputation, and she doesn’t even need to lie to do it.
Yeah, Lindsay is hiding something from her past. She could use the fact that Nick was arrested in New York for stalking and harassment to her advantage, but something is stopping her from doing so: herself.
It’s often much fun to watch a character break, but I don’t want that to happen to this Lindsey. It’s weak, I know, but it could be _too_ much worse.
Lindsey can’t even secure the position. She doesn’t have what it takes to make her promises happen behind the scenes.
To be fair, Bill Clinton was still pretty honest about… a lot of things XD