Not only is The Elder Scrolls this old, it was one of those games that PC gamers simultaneously looked forward to and dreaded the new releases of, because it always meant upgrades were needed.
I’m…not sure I understand your logic here, Michelle. You talked your parents into getting you a shiny new computer, so that you could play an awesome new game. You played said game for fifteen minutes, got overwhelmed, and decided to go play something else instead. And this somehow makes the purchase of said computer a complete waste of money?
You’ve still got the computer, you’ve still got the game…just play it later, when you feel up to it again!
Ah, the joys of having a short attention span to where you constantly drop certain games, and go divert your attention to something else, thereby inadvertently wasting money. Sometimes, on OTHER video games! Good times…
@TheJayster99 Hopefully she won’t feel so bad once she’s got her coding degree, and gets a job that will make it up to her parents in a week’s paycheck.
Man, can’t believe The Elder Scrolls series is 30 years old now. And Jenny, that’s not how you play Minesweeper. And Minesweeper has been around for 35 years.
Heh ooh it’s gonna get more wilder from here, sister. You just need to ease yourself into things.
@M Nah, man. This is how kids their age played it. Heck, I was 14 at the time and that’s how I played it.
Not only is The Elder Scrolls this old, it was one of those games that PC gamers simultaneously looked forward to and dreaded the new releases of, because it always meant upgrades were needed.
Considering how slowly the characters age, it will probably take longer than that for Michelle to get her coding degree.
And to anyone who’s been saying that Jenny doesn’t understand Minesweeper, remember that this is Jenny we’re talking about.
I’m…not sure I understand your logic here, Michelle. You talked your parents into getting you a shiny new computer, so that you could play an awesome new game. You played said game for fifteen minutes, got overwhelmed, and decided to go play something else instead. And this somehow makes the purchase of said computer a complete waste of money?
You’ve still got the computer, you’ve still got the game…just play it later, when you feel up to it again!
Just think, that same price can get you a machine with around two thousand times those specs these days. I just made myself feel old…
Ah, the joys of having a short attention span to where you constantly drop certain games, and go divert your attention to something else, thereby inadvertently wasting money. Sometimes, on OTHER video games! Good times…
Damn, didn’t know that the Elder scrolls franchise was thirty years old. I only ever really played Skyrim.
Yup. We can all relate with Michelle by feeling how poor we are.
@TheJayster99 Hopefully she won’t feel so bad once she’s got her coding degree, and gets a job that will make it up to her parents in a week’s paycheck.
Man, can’t believe The Elder Scrolls series is 30 years old now. And Jenny, that’s not how you play Minesweeper. And Minesweeper has been around for 35 years.
Uh, Jenny, I think you need a refresher on Minesweeper
Holy shit, The Elder Scrolls is THAT old? I always thought it was a relatively new game series XD
Also I feel Michelle right now. Living in poverty has made me feel incredibly guilty whenever I decide to spend for myself >_<