It will be interesting to see how Kevin and Amber will make things work long distance when she heads off to college in the fall. And Nick, just move on already.
We all know Kevin brings out the tomboy in Amber, but I love the further implications that Kevin’s mischief is rubbing off on Amber since she’s usually pretty level headed. Frankly, that adds more to character that I hope to see again in the future.
Seriously, dude. Give up. I think JB is running out of bad movie to rip off in order to involve you :p
Nick just won’t give up, will he?
Too bad graduation day is near. Unless Kevin turns to be a secret genius boy and ends up skipping the senior year, but considering how he is…
It will be interesting to see how Kevin and Amber will make things work long distance when she heads off to college in the fall. And Nick, just move on already.
@Toon, who said anything about her heart?
I wonder if one of the “big changes” this year will be that time starts advancing? There’s been quite a few mentions about going off to college.
Daww. They are really a couple now.
I don’t think shoes laces are a way to a woman’s heart nick
We all know Kevin brings out the tomboy in Amber, but I love the further implications that Kevin’s mischief is rubbing off on Amber since she’s usually pretty level headed. Frankly, that adds more to character that I hope to see again in the future.
let it go nick
Don’t remind us, Kev!