I guess he was expecting to take advantage of her first then get off without keeping his end of the bargain. I’m confused as to why she agreed to this in the first place if she dislikes the guy that much
Also, I don’t care what brand they are or what celebrity endorsement is attached to them, $125 is an absolutely ridiculous price for a fucking pair of shoes. For that much money, those shoes had better be able to wash my car and do my taxes for me!
Now THIS is the part where I wonder what she would have done if he actually DID have the money. Would she have gone through with it and slept with him?
@Will C “Ain’t I ah stinker?”
Every time this guy shows up, it means a lampooning of some film or another. Always so fun.
Don’t give him ideas, nice man.
Actually, that’s a good idea. That’ll get him arrested.
Oh, I was wrong. Amber bought the humiliation as well.
Face it, fuckass! You are busted!
Ambers a regular Bugs Bunny, I love it.
She and Kev knew what they were doing with this chump.
Can’t wait to see how it ends
Keep.in mind that $125 is $264 on today’s money’s. T
@Ghost: Still, she dated the guy in the past so who knows if she knew if he was loaded or not
@Alex D. It’s a strong and wise lesson in life. Never let your urges guide you.
@MegaJar. I don’t know. Knowing Amber had the advantage, she could have ditched Nick and give the shoes to Kevin.
I love how the cashier is so chill — like this isn’t the first time something like this has happened in his store lol
@Tarotsu Her plan from the start was to get the shoes and then take off with Kev!
How has good ol’ Kev not figured out that he can just get his big sis to buy him the shoes?
I guess he was expecting to take advantage of her first then get off without keeping his end of the bargain. I’m confused as to why she agreed to this in the first place if she dislikes the guy that much
Also, I don’t care what brand they are or what celebrity endorsement is attached to them, $125 is an absolutely ridiculous price for a fucking pair of shoes. For that much money, those shoes had better be able to wash my car and do my taxes for me!
Damn, I knew Nick was an ass, but I didn’t think he was this stupid.
Now THIS is the part where I wonder what she would have done if he actually DID have the money. Would she have gone through with it and slept with him?
Called his bluff.
If you can’t use physical violence, use MENTAL violence.