April 16, 1992 Apr16 by jbwarner86 on April 16, 2022 at 12:00 am Chapter: 4/6/92 - 4/19/92: Dog Day Afterschool └ Tags: Jenny, Ryan, Yorgi
Good boy! =D
Considering Yogi’s a Husky, Jenny could wait until winter to teach him to pull a sled.
@Toon-Resurrection92 Triumph the Insult Comic dog! LOL Yeah, that went though my head too! ^_^
And with that one simple act, Yorgi goes from dumb dog to good dog.
The boy is good… FOR ME TO POOP ON!!!!
($12 if anyone can guess where that comes from.)
See, Jenny? Yorgi is good for something.
Serves you right, Ryan.
@ TheJayster49: Your local Freelance Shame Squad always knows.
@Zach Kenny: Oh good, it’s not just me.
@TheJayster49: I think everyone in this neighborhood does.
Has anyone else gotten Lilo vibes from Jenny? (not particularly with this arc, but in general)
Get poop’d on, jerk. lol
He needs to step his insult game up
Does this kid just randomly know where Jenny is at all times?