OK, here’s a wacky idea for how to fix this. Just TELL HIM!
I know, I know, it sounds crazy, but just hear me out. No dumb pranks, no veiled insults or snide remarks. Just sit Russell down and tell him, honestly and earnestly, that you feel like you are being shut out of this whole process and you want to have more control over the fate of your own band. You don’t want the kind of nationwide mega-stardom that they keep pushing for you. You don’t want to be all over MTV or the headliner at Woodstock. And you sure as hell don’t want them mixing your tapes or filming your music videos without your direct involvement and approval.
Well, that’s one way to end their careers.
OK, here’s a wacky idea for how to fix this. Just TELL HIM!
I know, I know, it sounds crazy, but just hear me out. No dumb pranks, no veiled insults or snide remarks. Just sit Russell down and tell him, honestly and earnestly, that you feel like you are being shut out of this whole process and you want to have more control over the fate of your own band. You don’t want the kind of nationwide mega-stardom that they keep pushing for you. You don’t want to be all over MTV or the headliner at Woodstock. And you sure as hell don’t want them mixing your tapes or filming your music videos without your direct involvement and approval.
It’s so crazy, it just might work!
Nice idea, Steve, but the room won’t fill fast enough. Just chuck Russell into a pool. A deep one. From a great height would be an added bonus.
Is it bad that this is the first time I’ve heard of “pleather”?
@TheJayster99: Twin/Tone was the record studio.
@Red Rain: It already happened in a sunday strip from last year.
Also, it is good to have the main six in the same storyline after so long.
Russell, you’re not an artist
Looks likes we may be getting an underwater scene with Westworld soon judging by this strip.
You know, I keep forgetting 1994 is also the same year that their record studio shuts down (I… forgot the name
I’m praying Joel and them quit before the studio shuts down, just as an extra fuck you to Russel.