Dire financial Straights? The guy used his allowance to buy a SEGA CD and a (Quote/Unquote) “Game” for it. I wish my family was rich enough that I could just blow a week’s allowance on a game system!
Since when is money ever an issue for the Duquesne family? Lindsay, good though her intentions may be, has always defaulted to “throw money at it” as her go-to solution to solve any given problem in life. Hell, I’m surprised Kevin only owns the one pair of shoes — he’s rich, he can afford to buy duplicates.
@Lourenzo: If he does, I hope him to be removed from the strips, although the title of the story makes a reference to that infamous 1993 movie starring Demi Moore.
@Christopher Max Wall. It’s better then that video editor he got!
@Toon-Resurrection-92: You really think an airhead like Kevin would take to a mystery-driven visual novel written by Hideo Kojima?
Dire financial Straights? The guy used his allowance to buy a SEGA CD and a (Quote/Unquote) “Game” for it. I wish my family was rich enough that I could just blow a week’s allowance on a game system!
Since when is money ever an issue for the Duquesne family? Lindsay, good though her intentions may be, has always defaulted to “throw money at it” as her go-to solution to solve any given problem in life. Hell, I’m surprised Kevin only owns the one pair of shoes — he’s rich, he can afford to buy duplicates.
Does Kevin not realise that shoes can be cleaned?
“When’s my birthday?”
“Uh… that’s for me to know and you to find out, babe!”
Nope. Doesn’t work at all. You already lost before you begun, buddy.
Nick is getting more sleazy and desperate by the day.
Also, if you want a decent Sega CD game, I recommend Snatchers.
Ah, shit, here we go again…
Sheesh, Nick, you’ll be popping out of rabbit holes next!
@Lourenzo I wouldn’t be shocked if he decided to bring up Lindsay’s past just to piss Kev off. He’d go that low, I swear to David Byron!
@Lourenzo: If he does, I hope him to be removed from the strips, although the title of the story makes a reference to that infamous 1993 movie starring Demi Moore.
well I guess this is where nick pulls something irredeemable
Oh. Good. He’s back!
Oh jeez. Nick, you are pushing your luck.
Aw geez, not this guy again.