Hell, even Dr. Allen once referred to Daffy as the “Egyptian God of Frustration,” when asked by Lennier (Wasn’t it?) if he were some sort of Earth human house god…
Babylon 5 is streaming for free on the Roku Channel, as long as you don’t mind commercials. I think it used to be on HBO Max, but nothing ever stays on there very long, not even stuff Warner Bros. actually owns
MegaJar: B5’s chief of security, Michael Garibaldi, is an unabashed Looney Tunes fanboy; “Duck Dodgers in the 24th-and-a-Half Century” is explicitly cited as his second-favorite thing in the entire universe, and he has a big poster of Daffy Duck in his room. Heck, there’s at least one episode where he uses Looney Tunes tactics to get another lead out of a tight spot.
A lot of this was possible thanks to the show being owned by Warner Bros.
PS: Watch Babylon 5 if you ever get the chance. I think it’s streaming on some service or another.
Having never seen a single episode of Babylon 5 (and only a handful of DS9 episodes), most of these jokes go RIGHT over my head.
Well, except the Wile E Coyote one. It’s true, he would be way better off spending his money on just ordering takeout, instead of continuing to buy Acme’s hilariously defective products in an endless pursuit of one cheeky bastard bird.
Well, with that excitement aside, I can immediately spot Cpt. Sinclair, Ivonava, Garibaldi, Dr. Allen, Lennier, Londo and G’kar. And, Is that blonde chick supposed to be Cpt. Lochley?
I like that G’Kar’s got an ever-so-slight bit of stylization, with his skin and eyes looking much more alien than they did on the actual show. (Or did the Narn just look green in “The Gathering”?)
Dear God, Odo and Garibaldi, talk about two guys who couldn’t warm up to each other if they were cremated together
And ohhhh BOY would Kira’s words come back to haunt her if this were real.
@jbwarner86 thanks David Asslav
@Bartokassualtdude94: I think you’ve gotten Dr. Franklin and Zack mixed up in your mind or something.
Hell, even Dr. Allen once referred to Daffy as the “Egyptian God of Frustration,” when asked by Lennier (Wasn’t it?) if he were some sort of Earth human house god…
Babylon 5 is streaming for free on the Roku Channel, as long as you don’t mind commercials. I think it used to be on HBO Max, but nothing ever stays on there very long, not even stuff Warner Bros. actually owns
MegaJar: B5’s chief of security, Michael Garibaldi, is an unabashed Looney Tunes fanboy; “Duck Dodgers in the 24th-and-a-Half Century” is explicitly cited as his second-favorite thing in the entire universe, and he has a big poster of Daffy Duck in his room. Heck, there’s at least one episode where he uses Looney Tunes tactics to get another lead out of a tight spot.
A lot of this was possible thanks to the show being owned by Warner Bros.
PS: Watch Babylon 5 if you ever get the chance. I think it’s streaming on some service or another.
P.S. That’s not a slight on the Road Runner cartoons, BTW. I love those cartoons, they still make me laugh even today!
Having never seen a single episode of Babylon 5 (and only a handful of DS9 episodes), most of these jokes go RIGHT over my head.
Well, except the Wile E Coyote one. It’s true, he would be way better off spending his money on just ordering takeout, instead of continuing to buy Acme’s hilariously defective products in an endless pursuit of one cheeky bastard bird.
With a few more years development in AI, it’s probably technically feasible. But I doubt it ever will, because lawyers.
Ah, gotcha Chris… had a little brain fart…
Bartokassualtdude94: It’s Talia. You’ll notice she’s reading O’Brien’s mind.
Babylon 5 and Deep Space Nine would have been a good crossover.
It could have been fun back on the time!!
Well, with that excitement aside, I can immediately spot Cpt. Sinclair, Ivonava, Garibaldi, Dr. Allen, Lennier, Londo and G’kar. And, Is that blonde chick supposed to be Cpt. Lochley?
Well, that’s what fanfic is for. That, and imagining them all kissing.
I like that G’Kar’s got an ever-so-slight bit of stylization, with his skin and eyes looking much more alien than they did on the actual show. (Or did the Narn just look green in “The Gathering”?)
Dear God, Odo and Garibaldi, talk about two guys who couldn’t warm up to each other if they were cremated together
And ohhhh BOY would Kira’s words come back to haunt her if this were real.
“Sir, I am unable to see with all these lens flares.”