Yeah I’m pretty sure he just gained the ire of ALOT of people in the city with that comment. Honestly Joyce doesn’t have to do a thing. The dope will torpedo himself all his own.
Also, is no one taking notice of the “monthly infections” he mentioned? Does he have no idea how the female anatomy works? With how little he respects women, I am genuinely surprised he has not cheated on his wife given how many times she has “disappointed him”.
Channel 11 must be a leftist news station, or Ronald is beyond repulsive to anyone under 65.
Seriously. How did this guy become a lawyer? Yeah, I know he’s just a caricature of the type of far-right lunatics who use their Christian values and beliefs as a perverted status symbol instead of a source of goodwill and teachings, but there’s only so much unfiltered nonsense a caricature like him can spew before you start questioning how he got anywhere working in law in the first place.
His ruined reputation alone would not only get him ostracized from his church, but also disbarred from his practice. His way of thinking doesn’t belong in the mid-late 19th century, it belongs in Stalin’s Soviet regime.
If this does not lead to his law practice being ruined, or at least shunned, I will genuinely be surprised. What he’s doing is the kind of thing that will always ruin a reputation. And earlier arcs have suggested that he wasn’t that well-liked in the first place.
Yeah I’m pretty sure he just gained the ire of ALOT of people in the city with that comment. Honestly Joyce doesn’t have to do a thing. The dope will torpedo himself all his own.
Also, is no one taking notice of the “monthly infections” he mentioned? Does he have no idea how the female anatomy works? With how little he respects women, I am genuinely surprised he has not cheated on his wife given how many times she has “disappointed him”.
He’s gone past “OPEN MOUTH, INSERT FOOT.”
He’ll be the first human to actually, physically insert his head clear past and beyond firmly between his butt cheeks
@Pichu-82 — If he isn’t by the end of this, either they have a high tolerance for stupidity, or they support his bs.
At least we don’t have to worry about him succeeding at this rate.
More proof that Jocelyn isn’t necessary to sabotage him. He’s a master at doing it himself.
He’s got a lot of balls saying this shit to an interviewer who is a woman herself. And who hopefully is about to introduce said balls to her foot.
Channel 11 must be a leftist news station, or Ronald is beyond repulsive to anyone under 65.
Seriously. How did this guy become a lawyer? Yeah, I know he’s just a caricature of the type of far-right lunatics who use their Christian values and beliefs as a perverted status symbol instead of a source of goodwill and teachings, but there’s only so much unfiltered nonsense a caricature like him can spew before you start questioning how he got anywhere working in law in the first place.
Please tell us the next guest is Joce… and she bought Becca.
The list of things Ronald is going to get banned from after this particular shitstorm is… mind boggling to say the least.
Ronnie-Boy, your days are counted, but you don’t want to realize that.
That’s a hell of a way to break the 180° rule! (No offense meant, you have a comic and I don’t)
His ruined reputation alone would not only get him ostracized from his church, but also disbarred from his practice. His way of thinking doesn’t belong in the mid-late 19th century, it belongs in Stalin’s Soviet regime.
@Melgone – I’m just waiting for his church to excommunicate him.
….well…..yeah, okay..
If this does not lead to his law practice being ruined, or at least shunned, I will genuinely be surprised. What he’s doing is the kind of thing that will always ruin a reputation. And earlier arcs have suggested that he wasn’t that well-liked in the first place.
Heheheh, just let him keep talking. Let the world know what an old-fashioned jerk he is.
Whelp, there goes the general audience vote.
How long until he tries to hijack his church’s sermon to promote his own beliefs and call the pastor out for not being “Christian enough”?
Keep digging your hole, Ronald. Just keep digging.
I see this ending with Ronald being tossed out of the studio like Will Smith in “Fresh Prince”