March 1, 1995 Mar01 by jbwarner86 on March 1, 2025 at 12:00 am Chapter: 2/27/95 - 3/12/95: Radio Ca-Ca └ Tags: Jocelyn, Lars, Vicky
Uncle Lars.
Looks like Jocelyn will success where Aaron failed when he tried to make his parents into becoming a couple again.
God, I fucking hate having tinnitus.
“And I’ve always had a thing for guys who can expertly finger a guitar. Wanna come over to my place and show me what ELSE you can expertly finger?”
Oh yes, I went there.
I am definitely shipping Lars and Vicky. XD
Screwing Ronald Over Hours have begun
Loving how Jocelyn is playing matchmaker.
Well this proves Vicky’s attracted to men, if anyone on Discord remembers me theorizing if Vicky was queer in some way. Time will tell if she finds someone of the same sex to flirt with XD