December 7, 1994 Dec07 by jbwarner86 on December 7, 2024 at 12:00 am Chapter: 12/5/94 - 12/11/94: Definitely Labely └ Tags: Denise, Lars
At least it wasn’t a sharrrrrk or something.
She is such a lovable ditz, it’s a shame that she isn’t blonde.
Haven’t seen Denise in a while. Good to see her again.
What she really need is to be more recurrent. She has made more appearances than Selina!
Hey, it’s the return of she!
And she probably won’t be seen for another good while (especially after releasing sleeping bees in a building).
Okay, Denise doesn’t need a contract, but she’s in desperate need of a clue.
Holy shit, Denise! Happy to see JB hasn’t written her out of the comic ^^
(I say that because he has more or less stated he isn’t really sure what to do with her anymore)